Store your bread better with the linen bread bag!

Are you wondering how to store your bread so that it stays crunchy for days and days? Do you think it's impossible? Well, think again, there is a solution: the linen bread bag! At the end of this article, you will have only one idea in mind: to adopt it.
Has bread been around for a long time?
For a little cultural point, bread is one of the oldest foods in the history of humanity. Archaeologists have found evidence of bread production dating back to at least 30,000 years before our era during the prehistoric period. And yes, that's quite a while ago, right? But people have been eating bread since agriculture has existed! 🌾
Bread has been used throughout history as a form of currency; it was a staple food for so many civilizations that it was sometimes called "the stick of life."
Even today, bread is one of the most popular foods in the world. And we understand why! It can be crispy or soft, accompanied by jam or cheese. It can be eaten at any time of the day, as a snack or as part of a meal. And it's so good, isn't it? ☺️
How has bread been preserved over the years?
In order to guarantee its freshness and ensure that the bread does not dry out or, on the contrary, become too soft, different techniques have been used over the centuries: drying, freezing, airtight preservation, etc.
The most basic method is to store it in a cool, dry place. At the time, panetières were also used. These were small carved wooden pieces of furniture fixed high up to protect the bread from rodents.
Nowadays, we tend to use bread boxes or airtight containers. However, bread boxes take up a lot of space, and are therefore not necessarily one of the most practical solutions… We recommend another method for storing your bread: using linen bread bags.
Why is choosing a linen bag the best solution?
👉 5 reasons to use linen:
Linen is a hygroscopic material , meaning it has a high capacity to retain & absorb excess moisture. It is also antibacterial and antifungal . As a result, it is an ideal material for bread bags.
Linen bread bags are reusable: you are doing a great thing for the environment! Linen bread bags are infinitely washable: they will never lose their shape or color! You can also put them in the freezer or microwave if you want to make them even more flexible.
Did you know? Linen is one of the most durable fabrics. It is not afraid of high iron temperatures or washing in the washing machine. Linen does not pill. Even after several washes, it remains completely impactful, I would even say that it softens!
- Linen bags are breathable and gentle on your bread. They do not give off toxic odors like plastic bread bags for example.
They will look great on your kitchen countertop! Many bread bags are now available in a variety of colors and styles. Some have pretty embroidery.
So if you like elegant and refined things, you can only adopt linen bread bags!
- They are very practical and do not take up much space in your kitchen unlike the famous bread boxes. You can either place it horizontally or vertically depending on your layout.
👉 The bento, the very trendy Japanese bag!
As a bread bag, you can choose to adopt the bento ! These Japanese-inspired bags are very practical for storing bread. You can also use them for other purposes, to carry your shopping, your picnic or any other food…
The bento is made of two layers of natural linen. It is tied at the top and takes the shape of a package. It is a great solution for storing and presenting bread on the table in an aesthetic way.
You can also find some nice models on our online store right here:
Azuma Bukuro / The Bento Bread Bag
The reusable & washable bread bag / replaces non-recycled paper bread bags.
The Bread Embroidery Bread Bag
A little bread recipe to share with us?
Recently I made my own bread at home and I have to say that I am quite pleased with the result. The bread was very crunchy and the crumb soft. We enjoyed it.
So I wanted to share with you the little recipe that I found on the cherry tomato website . Now you too have your work cut out for you with this recipe! 😉
For the ingredients:
- 1 kg of flour, prefer organic and vary the pleasures by testing different mixtures
- 600 ml of water
- 1 tablespoon of dry yeast or 20 g of fresh yeast dissolved in a little warm water
- 10 g of salt
Preparation: 15 minutes
Break time: 2 hours (or better 12 hours) + 30 min
Cooking time: 30-40 minutes + 15 minutes
Preparing bread in a casserole dish without kneading:
Mix the ingredients in a large bowl, mixing bowl, and let rest for 2 hours under a clean towel. If you opt for a 12-hour rise, cover tightly with plastic wrap to prevent the top of the dough from drying out.
Turn the oven on to 200°C and place your empty casserole dish in it.
Roll out the dough on a floured work surface, fold it 3-4 times and let it rest for 30 minutes under a clean towel.
Remove the casserole dish from the oven and place your dough in it, close with the lid and bake for 35-40 minutes.
Remove the lid, raise the temperature to 240°C and continue cooking for 15 minutes.
Remove the bread from the casserole dish and let it cool on a rack.
And here is the result:
This lovely little bread was then packed in my bento and kept its freshness for several days!
You now have all the keys in hand to preserve your bread over time thanks to the linen or bento bag.
I would be delighted to know in the comments if you have already adopted it and if you are satisfied with it!
See you soon,